Saturday, September 4, 2010

And It's September Already...

Tonight as I sit by myself and look at the darkness around me, I feel the warmth of happy memories wrap me in its comforting arms, like a drug trying to soothe the restlessness of my mind. I feel safe and sound in the apparent nothingness of everything around me.. Somehow, I have grown to like nights like these.. all alone on my couch with nothing but a dim light at the back of the house to help me see the little that I can as I make my way to bed early in the morning when the sky is still at it's darkest best! I feel like everything that I have learnt, everything I have come to realize over time, everything that matters, all comes down to nights like these. Nights when all I really want is hookah to drown me deeper into myself, into my mind and its thoughts, and even deeper into the soul  I like to believe lives within me. It's on nights like these that I do nothing to fight my exhaustion, just sit around and look at nothing in particular and just think about everything, worthy or unworthy of my time...

As I let time pass by at it's seemingly sluggish pace, I realize that somebody, in another corner of the world, in another corner of this city perhaps is doing the same right now. Probably with a cigarette between her fingers,burning away to ashes as the occasional puff or two, as an attempt to purposely break a reverie of thoughts that seems to be going the wrong, more painful way ends up in a packet's worth of nicotine in her system. Probably with an unfinished bottle of alcohol in his hands, a couple of empty ones at his feet.. as the bitter taste on his tongue seems to compete with the bitterness that memories have created in him. Thankfully, I have never been the kind to need any of those when I need to break free or break down just to be able to piece myself together again as a stronger more,insensitive person.. someone who has one more thing to not care about.

These are nights I feel hope shatter into a million pieces, like a mirror thrown at with a heavy rock, as the uneven, course edges of the shards cut into my flesh of love, lust and longing and the wounds bleed nothing but faith which I try to keep alive everyday, because I like to believe it's keeping the world together. These are the nights I breathe air into my lungs stronger than I do everyday, trying to exhale the pain in my chest, let it out like a whooshing, whistling wind carrying dead leaves in the autumn. The vibrant red, the soothing yellow, the depressing brown and inspiring orange of the leaves seem to be colors of different aspects of life... aspects that come to life day in and day out.. until they all wither away one day into a dry coarseness, like the dead leaves that crunch under your feet as you take a walk in a park you haven't been to for ages.. the same leaves that rustle in the wind that blows the locks of my hair onto face as I sit here in the balcony trying to feel the life in the air around me...

It's on a night like this that I find in myself, room for new hope, new faith and another side of me.. that too one day will find itself in pieces that I will pick up only to throw away for another to discover as my past, whose remnants I will always fight to kill, to save myself the pain of nostalgia... Like the remnants of a past that I've been trying to kill.. And it's September already...

Friday, August 20, 2010

And Here We Go Again

Just when you think its over, you're back at the beginning... Sigh. Another long walk, with your strength at its weakest and a will that is giving up, something you're forcing to just live another second... half of it even.

The worst part about being me is that you can never admit what you feel easily and when you do, you can't not break down... Yeah dipshit.. I miss you. Fuck you. Hard. Just look back will you?! 

I'm not weak. Never have been. But I want to run away from here. Life's such a bitch right now.. It closed that door a couple of weeks ago. Goodbye United World College of South East Asia, Singapore... I was so close to getting in this year. Had I just thought of running away earlier. I would have been so busy that I wouldn't have had time to think about what I was leaving behind here..

What do you mean by being stuck in time? The fact that everything around you is moving so fast and you're stuck to one moment with something so strong, you can't overcome.. Or.. that time has stopped moving al-together.. To be honest, I can't tell the difference. So its hard to figure out what's happening right now.

People say, "Life's a game... PLAY it!" It takes more than just a little while to get the dice in your hands.

Life's a cheat. It knows what cards you have... It owns the whole deck.

What do I do?

Dear Diary: A Million Thoughts Put into One.

I've always preferred the summer over the winter. The long days in my blankets, loaded with a hundred layers of wool, eating anything and everything I can get my hands on, gets to me after a while. I've always been intolerant to the cold. I've never really enjoyed the feeling of a chilly wind that freezes you to the very depth of your bones.
Ironically enough, I'm waiting for the winter this year. I don't know why but when I think of it, I can only think of one reason.

I feel vulnerable to the winter. This whole summer, I've been creating this shield around me and my weaknesses.... So much so, I almost want to feel vulnerable to myself again. I want to feel something get to my depths... Leave me pleasantly SHOCKED at what it can ignite in me. 

It's the season of changed perceptions.. For me that is. I wouldn't want to explain why.
My last winter was special. And come what may, it always will be. Time has flown by since then, at a pace so fast. It's been like this gust of wind that only gave me the gift of a couple of breaths. The season changed and along with that the very essence of the winds that took away with them every emotion I exhaled.... blew them so far away into existence that I can't even think of reaching out for them again.

That season was a tiny but major part of my summer. It was how I got in touch with the void.. the vacuum the winds around me were. It was that vacuum I filled with long conversations with people who thought I mattered.

My summer held the essence of friendship. I can't even explain how, because its just that overwhelming. 
I found love in the winter.. I lost it at the crack of dawn in the summer.

But I want to feel those winter winds again. I want to breathe in that essence. I want there to be another winter like the WINTER OF 2009!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Just One!

Holaaaaaa fellow bloggers! :D

Yes, its another day of the week and I haven't gone to school.. AGAIN! But hey... this time it's for a genuine reason. Trust me! I've been stressed.. Needed to go pamper myself! Now, I am NOT going to debate over why this is a genuine reason. Because so far its the best reason why I've missed school.

Right now, I'm texting a friend who's sitting in a math class in another school! Yes, I miss her! Loads! Bunking classes at school isn't fun anymore.. And plus I've been caught too many times, I've been given shit loads of warnings and threats and my mother has already met my class teacher regarding this. There's no way I'm taking it to the principal. As much as I know that lady, she HATES me. Probably, so much so that she would push me down the school building if she could! :| Yes, my popularity at school has kicked up ten times since my name was announced on the intercom.. for the MILLIONTH time! My sister, also in the same school and totally the opposite of me should be used to this by now. She says she gets a mini heart-attack whenever she hears my name and prays I don't get expelled! LOL!

I'm in one of my totally random moods.. That, you will figure! Did you know there's a song called "Digging in the Nose" ? I swear it exists. Check youtube if you don't believe me! I heard it on VH1 and its hilarious! It goes like.. "Quit digging in the nose.. Quit digging in the nose." LMAO!

Talking about crazy songs.. There's this song on youtube.. Kash Koi mil Jaaye.. By DJ Faddu! And its SICK! Not the good wala sick.. but the disgusting wala sick but it had me rolling on the floor for hours! That one goes like "Kash koi mil jaye vo meri jaan, koi silicon ki dukaan, jiska bhari ho saman...." Roflmao! 

Now, taking the randomness to another level! I'm in the mood to answer questions! Sooooo.. All bloggers who have actually made it to the end of this post, you get to ask me any ONE question!  It could be anything.. Personal too.! Don't worry about me answering it, cuz I will.. Right here on this blog! Now, take it away! :D

The Lull Before the Storm?

Oh Yeah! The four people who mentioned that to me.. well... this is when I get to tell you! You guys were effin' right! No, this has nothing to do with my party (which I'm still worried about :| ) BUT drama has finally made its way into my life! DRAMA, you were BADLY missed.. Thank You! And you will be welcome as long as you don't screw me up too badly! The opposite of what I see coming my way! Well, if that's how I have to handle it, then bring it on sistaaaah! :D


*Jams head right into the wall*


Dear Diary: Does She Know?

They say, "Sometimes you don't know what you have till you've seen someone's loss...." How true!

She said, "I've waited. I know I have... But you know what, I'd rather keep waiting. For myself if not for anything else. It may be false hope... But if I've waited so long, I'd like to wait simply because I have so much time at stake already. It may be fruitless... And that feeling isn't pleasant.. But in the end, while I wouldn't be able to live with the fact I gave up, I can still live knowing that I waited... maybe for nothing.... But I can't be sure of that. And that has kept me going."

The tear she held back then, spilled the truth of a heart forcefully caged in hope... Just so she could keep herself together.

A friend had heard every word that I had. Somehow, neither of us had anything to say. Neither of us could tell her to let go and move on, because we didn't have the courage to shatter hope, whose innocence, forced us to believe that maybe sometimes, we should just hold on to the tiny pieces that we can fit together.

But seeing her... the loss of her time.... I like to believe that I have what she doesn't... Almost a decade of time that I won't have regrets for....

But I respect her.. Why? Because... she has the strength to hold on.. while... I would rather just let go.

Time is running by... But Does She Know?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Could Really Use a Wish RIght Now :)

Look into one of the million eyes of heaven tonight and wish upon a star.
I don't know about you.. But I could really use a wish right now!

Look at the moon, and smile at the woman there and whisper a wish.
I don't know about you, but I could really use a wish right now!

Look at a red mail van and cross your fingers.
I don't know about you, but I could really use a wish right now!

Stand under the bridge with a train passing over and maintain silence till you see a black car.
I don't know about you, but I could really use a wish right now.

Hold your lucky charm and pray. Who knows, you might just be heard!
I don't know about you, but I could really use a wish right now!

" Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky
Are like shooting stars?
I could really use a wish right now,
WIsh right now, Wish right now! " -Airplanes, B.o.B feat. Hayley Williams

Sunday, August 15, 2010

From a Friend to Another

This goes out for two people in particular.. One is my best friend. And the other, well, is my best friend's Chuddy Buddy, as she likes to say.

I had written I CONFESS.. for this friend of mine, some time ago. But I don't really think she understood what I was trying to say.

Dear Friend,
It used to be ME and YOU against the world.It used to be long conversations everyday, without caring about whether we had anything important to talk about or not. It used to be more than just "Tell me what's been going on? It's been so long." It used to be more than just the seldom phone conversations just for the heck of it. And as much as I hate to admit it, I'd rather have us not talking at all, than being what we are right now. I'm at the verge of giving up. I'm still trying to hold on though. But incase I can't, just know that I tried harder than you did. Just know, that these are the efforts I will NEVER regret, because friendship is something I can never. And in our case, it was more than that. Funny, how I can't say that it IS more than that now, because to be honest, we both know its not. And this goes out to promises you couldn't keep about still being the same person. Because whether you admit it or not, you're NOT the person I knew like the back of my hand! And you can never have reasons good enough to explain why you changed.

You couldn't perceive my need.. My need for a shoulder to cry on, an ear to whisper my pain into. You overlooked my hand when I had held it up the highest as a call for help. Perhaps you didn't even know it was me. And that's what we are now. And maybe it's all we can be now.. If I'm ever asked why, I can't even look at you for the answers, the reasons, because you never seem to have any.

It's not about where you are, its about who you've become. And well, this might just be it from my side, because I was friends with the person you WERE, not whoever it is that you are now.

Shivangi and Another Friend (For her Chuddy Buddy! )

An Ultimatum

The Ultimatum of a Standstill is the ONLY of its kind.
Time doesn't stop, but everything else does.
Whatever it is that's left, is the void of nothingness you are drowned in to believe in occurrences that seem like illusions you lose to the simple touch of emotions.

I wonder if it can be the beginning of something too...

Independence Day

And here I am today, alive and well, celebrating my country's 63rd Independence Day. And nothing makes me prouder than the fact that I am Indian.

Happy Independence Day India and fellow Indians. To be honest, this doesn't count for those who keep finding faults in our country and would prefer going abroad because they think life isn't worth it here. Yes, I'm looking at you if you're one of them. One piece of advice, if you don't like it here, GO AWAY. There are millions like me who have a place called HOME here, who have found themselves in this country, who have proudly made being an INDIAN a part of their identity. Yes, there are millions like those and they're ready to kick you out of here if you can't appreciate it.

Yes, we have our imperfections. We are NOT perfect! But really WHAT THE FUCK, NEITHER ARE YOU! If there's nothing you can do to help, I'd rather have you shut up than blabber bloody cynical nonsense. And you know what, for those who can't believe things are going to change, whose hopelessness is anything but an encouragement, don't even have the right to wait and watch when the change comes along. Because its on its way.

There is a cordial warmth in this country. There is an essence of individuality. There is pride in being the most culturally diverse country in the world. There is a history that makes us salute those who have given up their lives for us to simply see a future that they couldn't. And most of all, there is a heritage where every single race, every single tribe, every single Indian can trace their origins to. If that's not something to be proud of, what is?

Happy Independence Day once again! :)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Mellowing Down?

A week before my birthday party (the one I've been planning for AGES now), and I find myself mellowing down. Call it bad timing, but my best friend doesn't really like the idea. She expected more of a hyperactive response when she mentioned, "Shiiiiv, its finally happening!" Yes, I could hear the GRIN in her voice (for obvious reasons) but I was more like, "Ooookaaaayy! So what's up?"

Now, its not like I don't want to party. Because, OFCOURSE I do. My Sweet Sixteen, Unnati's Sexy Seventeen, 25 people, good music, good place (Getting Mannequin as the party venue was NOT easy)and unlimited beer and vodka (though we don't have much of a choice, and I DON'T drink) a chocolate truffle cake (Sigh, chocolate has always been such a weakness. *spaces out* *comes back to earth*), good food, and well Unnati and I have a lot to take care of at the party ( *Virtually looks at Unnati and grins* *Hi5 Anjalee, Puni, Sid and Nil who ALL will definitely make it, HOPEFULLY :S)

Do I need more reasons? Just in case, I have another. My first terms are on the way, and its going to be a while before I'll step out of my house again.. So the party has PERFECT timing. Now, yes, we're hoping it will be a good party. I have my doubts to be honest. I need to get so much off my mind, especially my bad academic performance in Chemistry (:|) that had me crying for hours three days back. And well I need more than just chilli flakes and oregano to spice up my life. And yes, I need more than just chocolate for good dessert after a dramatic main course. *BLAH*
A lot can happen over Maggi! (My special Maggi specifically :P)

Friday, August 13, 2010

To An Eternity That Ends With Us

A promise she had once made,
Time had stopped then,
In awe of her determination,
In fear of her power,
In respect of her dignity,
As every word inscribed itself in stone.

A promise she had once made,
To stay by my side.
And for an eternity that ends with us today,
I see her hand in mine.


This is what I wrote for Nilanjana, who probably makes my day every time she talks about Neil and herself. I've never been too good with poetry but Nil, I really hope you liked it! :) I Love You! :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Superstitiously Magical

I could hear her squeal with joy at the mention of her childhood sweetheart, see her jump in her happiness as she gripped both hands of her best friend, who shared a feeling of awe with her.

" My left eye just started behaving funny again. Its fluttering like a butterfly's wings. Oh goodness, I tell you, its meant to be. " The gush of breath that the girls let out then spelt excitement and anticipation. Well, her left eye had fluttered. She would be married to him wouldn't she? Or so everyone liked to believe. Especially her.

I smiled despite how silly I thought it was. The innocence of her wish, her desire to be with the one she's always loved touched me.

"He's coming day after tomorrow!!!" My Aunt exclaimed. "I just knew it. Crows seem to be making a nest in the balcony now-a-days. It's about time too. He's been away for a year and a half now." The news of my Uncle's arrival had been delivered by a crow. And so had mine. Atleast that's what I was given to understand. "Every morning a crow would look at me and start cawing." My mother had said. I had simply rolled my eyes and hugged her.

"My left hand seems to be too itchy. Where am I going to lose money?" My grumpy grandfather croaked irritably. "You woman keep a watch on your shopping escapades, I'm warning you. Money doesn't grow on a tree."

"Doesn't count for me, though. Ajay's business has been doing well these days. See, I can't seem to stop scratching my left hand. Ah! Women can be such good luck charms." My mother retorted.

I laughed silently at the senselessness of everything around me. I had never been a believer of God's signs in the form of dreams and animals at our doorstep. I had never believed in not saying particular things when we stepped out of the house for an important task. I didn't believe in not going to a temple on days we women were considered unclean, or stepping inside the kitchen without taking a shower. I didn't believe in any of it at all. Ironically, everybody else around me did. Good luck charms, protections against the evil eye, a ring for a good career and lots of money, I had none of it. Nor did I have the family jewel fitted in a pendant for success.

I sat down with my cup of milk and enjoyed the scene of a day in the life of a HUGE joint family that couldn't seem to stop trying to please the Almighty with prayers, or go to pandits for remedies to save the family business, or gurus who could teach their kids a spell to keep them away from distraction.

"You're up! Good! All washed up I believe." My grandmother sat down next to me eyeing the cup of warm milk in my hand.

"No, not really." I said casually.

The disgust on her face made me uncomfortable.

"You know the rules of the family, don't you? Or have you forgotten those too along with manners at how you're supposed to dress." I looked down at my pajama shorts. "Nevermind now. I won't tell anyone. Its only you're first day here after months. Go get washed up NOW and dress decently. The elders have been up for long now."

"But these shorts reach my knees." I said, exasperated at the thought of wearing jeans in the heat.

"What about the rest of your legs?"

I snorted and headed for my room upstairs. On the way, I decided on saying a quick hello to my cousin brother. Under the impression he was studying I was quiet as I closed the door of his room behind me. He was listening to something on the computer with his headphones on. I crept behind him wanting to surprise him. It was something I always did. He was 12 years younger to me and was like a baby brother.

"Booo" I laughed as he jumped and he looked at me with eyes wide open, trying to block the screen of the computer. "What are you hiding?"

"NOTHING. How.. How are you?" He was a nervous wreck I could tell.

"Oh whatever" I pushed him to one side and glanced at the screen for less than a second before bursting into fits of laughter. "Porn. Seriously. You haven't been saying Guruji's mantra everyday now, have you?"

You should have seen the guilt on his face! :P xD

Dear Diary

I'm so afraid of losing out on what I have that I can hardly let go. The problem is I keep too many things too close to my heart. Probably because I appreciate it too much or maybe because I've recognized the universal fact of individuality that I am what I am because of the people and things around me.

Its so hard to let go off myself, to loosen that suffocatingly tight grip I have on myself, so much so that the painful relief just brings along a sense of insecurity. Guess its time to give myself a chance again.


Because my best can never be good enough.
Because there'll always be someone who surpasses me.
Because my efforts can never be appreciated, maybe they don't count at all.
Because I can neither be what others have thought of me, nor what I think I can be.
Because I am a disappointment to myself.
Because I am a disappointment to those who believe in me.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

14 likes on this facebook status! xD

Me: Ding Dong Bell, Pussy's in the Well. *Boys around me jump into the well* Me : *shouts into the well* Haven't you heard that nursery rhyme before, dumbfucks?!

Weird Dreams

I had a dream last night. I was driving in the rain with my friends and the car broke down. All my friends had to get off and push the car. As they were pushing, the car started and I accidently pressed the accelerator too much and went off with them running behind it! LMAO!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Dark

The Dark can be BEAUTIFUL. I've lived pleasant memories in it. Its the unseen face of secrecy, its the rustle of whispers barely heard, its the touch of someone else's emotion, its home to the friend you have in you. I look up to see this beauty crash with its beastly side. I can hear the black hole of the other side trying to suck in all the pleasantness. I am too repelled to be drawn into the mouth of hell and so I walk towards the light. Knowing where to find it again, knowing the treasures it holds, knowing that it will always be, I walk back into the beauty of the dark when I've had a little too much of the light.

Monday, August 9, 2010

One Liner?

Reasons too small but too many have the power to destroy 'a single something' so strong...

It's your choice

Hope and Love are keeping this 'Good-for-nothing' world together. You can choose to believe that and have faith in the better outcomes of life, or just believe that you're destined to be doomed with the rest of the world. I'd rather have faith, because its keeping me together.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dear Diary

This is something I wrote on a sheet of paper last night. No electricity, so I couldn't switch on the computer and post it on blogger directly. And I was too lazy to find my latest diary. I have no idea where it is right now.


Dear Diary,
I remember the first time I wrote to you. I was 12. I remember sitting down, looking at one of my english papers, reading the essay my teacher had read out to the whole class. I was proud of myself. The appreciation felt good because it was the first time someone had acknowledged my work, called me to talk about what they thought I had in me. I remember looking blankly at my notebook, with a new pen in hand just scribbling whatever I thought was on my mind. Yes, the first time I wrote to you, it was on a lined piece of paper from my school rough notebook.

A lot has changed since 7th grade. And I remember filling up my rough notebooks year after year in class with details about crushes, seeing dad for the summer vacation, buying new story books and stationery, every little thing that seemed so BIG when life was as simple as it could get.

And finally I remember throwing away all my rough notebooks and diaries, all my letters to you for reasons that I myself, sometimes do not understand. But I know you've read them all. You've heard what others haven't and you've kept my words in silence, undiscovered. Thank You!

I'm writing to you after months now. Why? Because right now the whole city is wrapped in sleep and I am awake and I want to talk and YOU have always been the listener- The one with a blankness in you for me to fill with words from my heart, from my undead conscience among the million guilty around me.

At a point of time, you were my obsession. There was nothing more I needed than good book to read, a collection of good stationary, some good cartoons on TV and YOU. But that point of time is long gone. More than anything now, I want success. I want to know my way. I want the map that I'm meant to follow in my hands just so that I don't make the wrong choices. The only thing I can do is make a map of my own in my head. Follow a path that is home to my longings and dreams. But I've seen dreams crash before. And I don't if I'm the lucky one, who'll have it her way no matter what.

Despite how much things have changed, I know for sure that there are some evergreen things about me. One being that I don't want to grow up so fast. I try my best to take things at a pace slow enough to make me feel that I have enough time to be a kid. However, in my efforts to lag behind and take my own sweet time, I am pushed to run with time, at its pace, whether slow or fast, just to catch up with life. Because you can wait.. Life can't. Time can't. And this realization depresses me. There is never enough time and thats why you need to make your moves before its too late, or else tsunamis of time will drown you to make room for others like you.

Three years, the last one in particular, and this year in the running, have been the very best. I made friends who are ALWAYS going to be a major part of sweet memories of life. I've seen my relationship with my parents go through the worst and the best of times. Somehow, I am much closer to them now than I was before. And unlike the million teenagers out there, I have found friends for life in them. And I have only one person to thank for that. Had it not been for that person, the phase I went through because of him, had I not shared what that phase was like with my parents, I would have never believed they understood. And off all the bad, thats one of the two things I can thank him for.

I started to believe in Destiny and Fate this year. Its a belief and faith so strong that it would be hard to deter. I met this girl, called Nilanjana. It was in the most awkward way, and our friendship has evolved during and through the most painful times, but we were there for each other. I like to believe that the reason I had her best friend in my life as my boyfriend was because we both were destined to find in each other, friendship we could count on. And that is what I call FATE. NOT him, but HER. I remember when I broke up, Nilanjana sent me a text message saying, "Shiv, nothing changes between us." And the relief I felt, its not even funny. I don't know how far we'll go as friends because nothing is guaranteed in life. But I am just so grateful. Yes, I have my fears though. About our friendship. Because I strongly believe in the saying, "A flower that blooms quickly, wilts away even faster." It's held true for a lot. I just hope and pray, not in this case.

Last year, I became friends with Anjalee. The quiet, TALL girl in 6th grade, who I saw almost everyday till 10th grade, became my friend after so MANY years. And you know, she's the one I can count on to listen to me. She is the reason that I believe in myself, the little that I do anyway. Had it not been for her, I would be the girl with too much inside but nothing to let it out in.

I've been friends with Unnati for more than a year now. The fellow troublemaker from school and I are now best of friends. And she is someone I NEED as a part of my life, because she is a living idol of what we like to say is "LIVING LIFE". She's had her ups and her downs, I've seen her laugh and cry, I've seen her weak and strong.. And I've had her hold me and support me in whatever way she could. And two weeks from now, I cannot wait for our party together. :)

Sidak has changed.. A lot at that. Sometimes I don't even see her as the Sidak I have always known. But sometimes, I can still feel the essence of that soul, that person who I always seem to learn from, the person who I've seen fighting with everything she has had at hand. I don't know where life is leading us right now.. but I know, that she is one girl I will remember as my first TRUE best friend.

I don't have much to say about Puneeta. I don't know why. She's always been in the background, showing her colors once in a while. But you know diary, she has this warmth about her. Her lame jokes, her smile and the excitement in her voice have become a part of my life. :)

Wow, I'm getting tired now. I just wish the pen would just move on its own now. But I'm still going to talk. Everything is at a standstill right now. I don't know if thats good, but I feel the need to start running again. I feel like pushing myself forward, with this new found energy in me and make it through whatever there is in store for me. I want to shout, I want to dance. I want to lose control again.

Now, the weirdest part of this post. I recently met someone. Not someone special. But someone really charming and intelligent and BRAINY. And not too bad looking. The weird thing is.. I don't have the hots for him as such. Not in the normal way alteast. Call me gay, a geek or anything, but this guy makes me want to study. Eveytime, I look at him, or see him looking at me, I feel like doing physics or chemistry or maths.. Anything related to studies. I just feel like studying all day. I don't want to waste a minute on anything but my books. And when people ask me WHY I'm so weird.. All I can say, "I'm still finding out why?" HAAAA!


Friday, August 6, 2010

I confess...

I thought I'd lost you. I thought that you had turned your back on me, given up on me. I thought that you, of all people YOU, had deserted me. I thought that you had found another ME. I thought that WE would never be the same again. I thought that WE didn't exist. I thought that you had forgotten. I thought that you would let go. I needn't say how wrong I was. Because this is YOU we're talking about.

It hadn't been the same for a while. I couldn't see past my ego and self respect. I didn't want to understand and I expected you to. Maybe because I had tried understanding too many things, too many people at the same time.. But somewhere there, I forgot that it was YOU I had to understand the most.

Life's unusually bland for me. I have tried to find colors other than black, gray and white in the paint-box that is usually brimming with pleasant colors I haven't had the opportunity to paint my canvas with. I have tried to stroke blank sheets of paper, with meaningful figures that make sense. All I got was the abnormal crumpling of the sheet, as if I were painting it with water.

Life is cluttered for you. Too full and I had once wished I could be a part of it somehow. Little did I realize, that I wasn't meant to be a part of the mess, but someone you could come to when everything was crashing down on you, someone who you could trust with the little distorted pieces of your life to help you put them back in their right places in the puzzle. But I have always known that. And I will always be THAT someone. I just wish you could help me FIND the pieces of my puzzle. They've been missing for too long now. The only piece I'm holding on to is YOU!

Its been a while since YOU and I have been WE. And I wanted you to know that.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hanging By A Moment

I searched the audience from the wings looking for a familiar face. It was the same face I saw at the biggest of concerts and the smallest of gigs. It was the only face I needed to glimpse for my nervousness to melt away from the pits in my gut and for the strong hold on my throat to loosen. I searched the entire first row, the second and the third but I couldn't see her. I felt stones form in my stomach as I desperately tried to relax. It was only ten seconds later that I saw her sitting at the bar, at the back of the entire audience standing near the stage. I could feel the sudden relief, the sweat on my head cooling, as if I could feel a breeze blowing.

"In three.. two.. one" I was vaguely aware of the voice that maneuvered us on stage. My band mates confidently walked passed me, the three of them playfully boxing my shoulders. Strangely, even after years on stage, the nervousness never ceased to get the best of me, until I saw her.

It was the way she looked at me right in the eyes, the way she smiled confidently that helped me overcome my in-confidence. It was the look in her eyes that told me, that no matter what I sang tonight, no matter how good or bad I sounded, I could never disappoint her. For her, I was always at my best on stage. It was the calm expression on her face, that intense, unbreakable attention that she paid to me when I was on stage that told me that she listened to my music. The slightest jerk of her head when she felt my passion to the core, when she understood the emotion behind the sound that made its way out of my lungs. The way she held her breath when she saw me hold mine, in awe, she once said, at how powerful she thought my voice was. There were days when she would look at me with an unintentional grave expression, under which I felt naked to her power to see through me and I would realize that simply listening to my choice of songs for the night and the way I made them sound, she had yet again opened the doors to another part of my life, without my having to open them or explain to her why I had kept them closed for so long. She understood me. She understood my music. She understood my mind. She understood my life. Yes, she understood me.

" Desperate for changing,
Starving for truth,
I'm closer to where I started
Chasing after you.
I'm falling even more in love with you,
Letting go of all I've held onto.
I'm standing here until you make me move.
I'm hanging by a moment here with you. "

This was for her. Every word that I could hear in my own voice was for her tonight. I poured everything I had into it. I wanted her to hear how much I meant these words and they weren't just lyrics to another song I had written. And I knew she knew how much I meant what I sang. She knew how much I loved her. Just like every song I'd made her hear, every song that I had written, I didn't have to explain to her why I'd chosen those words. And I didn't have to explain tonight. She knew... she just did. I could see it in the way she smiled, the way she lightly bit her lip, the way she gently bowed her head, slightly to side, trying to hide the blush that was everything but inconspicuous to my eyes. It was the way she tried to escape my eyes, trying to look away as if her reaction wasn't meant for me to see that told me, she felt just the same.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

And I still dream those dreams, I still see them coming to life.

I'm a dreamer. I always have been and always will be. Every night, as I lay my head on my pillow, I'm washed by a wave of dreams that drowns me into sound sleep. I wish for things. I wish for things that I've always wanted, things that I've lost and miss so much, things that were never mine in the first place but I long to just be close enough to touch them. I dream about being famous, being where I've always wanted to be, and seeing others where I think they deserve to. Its been a while since things have been pleasant. But, that doesn't change how amazing my dreams are. Because, I am a dreamer, always will be.

I dream about life in other people's shoes and their life in mine. Its mainly at night that I try and understand others. Its something that has helped me figure out the most complex minds to a certain extent. I try and figure people out. I reason with their reasons. Sometimes its like I'm two people at once- As the first, I am myself, and as the second I am who I'm thinking about. I don't usually choose who I want to think about. Their picture just hits my head as the last thought at night before I sleep and then I spend most of the night unconsciously thinking. Weird, huh? But its true. And then before you know it, people's reactions don't surprise me.

Sometimes my dreams are weird and like the others who believe, I try and find meaning in them. I always believe that weird dreams are life's way of forewarning us about happenings and though I can't always remember my dreams I know what to expect. Its like an intuition coming to life at night.

But despite all that, I don't want everything I wish for. I don't want everything in one go. I don't want anything I don't deserve. Why? Because I'm a dreamer. I can't dream about things I already have. So I don't want everything. Because I want to be able to dream. I like being a dreamer. And so I still dream those dreams. I still see them coming to life.. :)

Monday, August 2, 2010


Okay, so its been a long tiring day and all I can think of is how unpredictable the last two have been. Really, they have! So today was BORING! And I think I need some drama in my life. I need something to happen. Obviously I don't mean a melodramatic scene, with tears and complaints.. Because right now I can't handle THAT! But, some really good gossip, bitching sessions with friends, and a sleepover to bond over, a LONG movie night. Sigh. Thats more like it! :)

I guess you've figured by now how random this post is going to be. And trust me its going to get worse.

I cannot.. just CANNOT wait to throw my house party one of these days. Yes, the whole house to me and a very cool grown up who's going to be "looking after us" Haa.. you wish! Now all I have to take care of is the neighbors. Issues with loud music! :|

I need to take pictures. I really do. I'm bored with the ones on facebook. AND YES I FEEL SO BLONDE!

I think I need ferror rocher right now. God, its so tempting. <3

I don't feel like going to school tomorrow. (Nothing new, trust me! :P)

My head is hurting. And I need to plan out a party which I have a bad feeling isn't going to work out for this Sunday. Why does this have to happen to me?! I need to get out and DANCE!

I've never been drunk before. I was studying on my 16th birthday. :| Which is reason enough to want to get up and PAAAARTTTAAAY! :D

I have school tomorrow. I should sleep. What am I waiting for? Its already midnight. Or five minutes to it anyway.

Why is it so WARM? Gosh, I've been sitting without a fan and air-conditioner for the past hour. I don't know why! :|

My YOUNGER sister is shouting at me. She wants me to help her find a ROUGH notebook. Uff.. *feel like hitting my head against the wall*

And its three minutes to midnight. It'll take a minute to set the alarm. Leaves with two minutes. And by the time I shut down the computer and go to bed, it'll be 12. I need to get up at 6 am. Six hours should be enough, right?

This is for those who bothered too completely read this post.

Goodnight! :)

Like I said...

You know, some people are stupid enough to not trust my sense of judgement. If there's one thing I know, its that I'm mostly never wrong about reading people's intentions. Sometimes I'm so right that its almost pleasing in a hurtful way. Confused about what that means? Well its simple really. Sometimes you don't want to be right. You want to prove yourself wrong. But when it happens, you know you've won that bet, you've shown people how right you were. And that pleasing sense of being right comes along with the hurt that you were deep inside prepared for.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Too Late to Retrace Your Step...

What did life want now? It was all she could think of. She wanted to shake alive every dormant incident that she had hidden in the corners of the darkest rooms of her mind and think about what was left that she had to offer to life to take away forever.. any other thing that she could stack away in those dark rooms, whose doors when opened made her wince with embarrassment at her juvenile stupidity, those mistakes she wished she'd never made. She was always regarded as the one who grew up way to fast. Wisdom dawned her aura, her presence and yet it seemed as if the child deep within her surfaced too often, trying to live a life it never could, making that worldly knowledge of people curtain itself as if almost unwilling to disturb the child in her at its best. But like I said, wisdom dawned her aura. When she was looked at it was not her stunningly beautiful face framed by waves of long black hair that people noticed first. It was the intimidating feeling that washed through them, an unwillingness to know what lay behind those eyes, beneath the surface. She had heard men talking about how much they loved a woman who had an untouched innocence about them. Little did she know that it was exactly the opposite of THAT some daring men found most appealing about her. No, it couldn't be described as "repelling maturity"... It was the confidence with she walked, the few second glances at people by which she could easily tell who they were on the inside, the way she completed everybody's sentences, knowing exactly what they wanted to say (better than they did) because she had gone through it all. Life as she knew it had been unkind to her often, but like the millions of lessons she had learnt, she knew that it was because of that unkindness that she was not just any other woman in any man's life. She was who she wanted to be, always holding the upper hand, the one who passively controlled and moulded things around her. That was the strength of her aura, something no one had ever been able to take from her.

But today, she sat down quietly wondering why the past was trying to become her present now. She wondered why the people she had let go off an eternity ago wanted to be a part of her life now. Didn't they know that things would never be the same? Or did they think she was weak because she had chosen to let go and run away. Devyangani had always known that she was never the weak one. Over the years she had learnt that neither running away or letting go were signs of weakness and cowardice because she was one of the few who knew inside out the courage and strength it took to let go and move on and try and forget something she'd held on to so strongly. And every time those things knocked at her door, she knew how much strength it took to shove them out, to tell herself that there was no room for second thoughts to cross her mind. She knew how much strength it took to remind herself time and again that there were some things she never did. Going back on a word she had promised herself was one of them. So yes, there was no turning back! There never would be even if she sometimes wished she could.

But today was different. It wasn't any other past that had turned up at her door. No, it wasn't that friend who had once betrayed. No, it wasn't that sister who didn't care. And no, it wasn't that family that once turned their back. She winced at the thought of who it was. As she wrecked the shelves of the library of her journals of memories, she remembered an old friend who'd been with her through it all. She remembered the words that had once slipped her tongue. . Its never going to leave you alone. It will tag along one day and you'll find yourself right where you were in the first place.. She had been right about the first part. That past had never left her. It always came back every few years for reasons she did not know. For reasons, she didn't want to know for her sake. But that friend had been wrong about the second part. It didn't leave her where she had started. She was miles away from the beginning because the void had been filled up by experience and wisdom. Every time that past knocked on the door, she found herself beckoning the strength everyone knew she had. The power to never look back, never go back on her word was like swearing on blood. And so she walked away every time. And she didn't care who thought she was weak. Because she always knew that walking away had always been an option, but she was never the reason she had made it her choice.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Happy Birthday To ME! :D

Its ten minutes past midnight and my birthday is officially over. BUT nevertheless it was a GREAT one. After answering MILLIONS of texts and facebook wall posts and HUNDREDS of calls from friends and family, I feel special. Really really special.

Nilanjana, your letter made my day. Yes, it brought tears to my eyes. And it means so much. Thank You so much for making me feel so special. I love you! <3

Thank You Puni for the ferror rocher that you got me this morning. I didn't think you'd remember how much I love chocolate, especially ferror! :) It was better than the chocolate cake I cut on my birthday!

Thank You Unnati for that amazing hug and that deep conversation we had during break. Thank You for THAT feeling! :)

Thank You Anjalee for trying to make plans with me. I know how much celebrating my birthday meant to you. Yes, I know, I preferred going to AVTE for a Math class, but you know me. I don't miss any of my classes there. Not even for a sweet 16! :P

And SIIIIIIIIIID! I love you! Thank You for wishing me the maximum number of times today! And every time you wished me, you had the same tone of excitement!

I love you guys! :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Falling in love with the rain.. :)

This year seems to be getting better now. Finally! No really.. FINALLY!!! I just hope if it doesn't get any better, it just stays the way it is. *sigh*

My school bus was late today. AGAIN. Not something new, but today I didn't mind for a change. Despite the rain.

I've never really liked the rain, the wet and sticky feeling, unless I'm actually allowed to get soaked in the rain and play like a kid for hours and hours in never ending showers! Today I finally got a window seat in the bus (you never really get one because the 12th graders annoy you till you get up). And weirdly enough I wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. I was in one of those moods, when good memories just randomly hit your thoughts, like they're racing against each other to be remembered.. To be remembered for their innocence, their power to make you smile no matter how far you are from reliving those memories all over again. Throughout the bus ride home, I had my hand slightly out of the window, allowing the rain drops to touch my skin and make their way down my wrist to my elbow. Every drop that touched my skin, just had this special warmth to them, a sharp contrast to the coolness of their actual temperature. And every memory that came to my mind, like those rain-drops filled me with this warmth.. made me smile (Yes, I looked stupid smiling all by myself through a window seat in the bus) and the coolness of every drop calmed me down, stopped me from suffering from those bouts of nostalgia that sometimes make me sick. And these were memories of such a long time ago. From when I was a kid. They were about dreams I've had, the most embarrassing moments of my life as much as I've lived it till now, the good of the bad experiences.. And I realized how much I never wanted to grow up so fast. Ironically, I'm going to turn 16 tomorrow. How I wish I could be a kid for so much more time. I just can't seem to get enough of being young! :)

And there you have it, I'm in love with the rain all over again. :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

And Light Never Ceases to Find the Dark...

I've been in this room for days now. Its dark. So dark that I don't see any point in opening my eyes, because there's nothing left to see, there's nothing that I CAN see. I've confined myself to a cold corner, where all I can do is rest against the wall and only hope and pray for someone to find me, someone to pick me up, because I seem to have lost everything to the darkness around me. I cannot cry because there's no one to hear me, there's no one to wipe the tears.. and I'm not strong enough to be my own reassurance. Something seems to have forced the doors of mind to close, and I don't know what's keeping them shut. I try and search within me, a power, a strength that I can summon, hoping that there is one. The strength that the greatest of people talk about and the weakest, don't know about.

And once again with my eyes closed, with a search left incomplete, I fall asleep to wake up hours later to the black light of the dark.

I wake up to a shiver that runs down my entire cold, rigid body. I can feel a wind blowing through a window in the room. I just don't know where it is. I hug myself as if it were all I needed, but it only grows colder. I open my eyes, slowly, blinking too often for the first few seconds. It takes a little while for my eyes to adjust. I look around the room, looking for a blanket or a rag for that matter- ANYTHING that could provide the tiniest bit of warmth. I see that a small sheet is lying on a chair few steps away. I crawl on my knees, and keeping myself a bit too far away, I reach for it, trying to drop it to the floor, so that I can just drag it to myself. As I wrap myself in the only blessing I can feel, I open the doors of my mind. I realize that I'm sick of being helpless. If there's something I've learnt in life, its that our mind can be forced to think what we want it to. And for the first time in days, I force myself to think. Despite the darkness, I CAN see. Not much, but I can. The curtain of the shattered window on the opposite wall was ghostly in the dim moonlight as it flew violently up and down the pane. I don't know when I fell asleep again, but it was for a longer time and I was more relaxed when I got up.

I don't remember being in this room now. Why? Because it isn't dark anymore. I wince trying to run away from the light because it hurts my eyes. I try to scramble into any dark corner so that none of the light touches me. I don't think I'm in the same room, but the I can still see that chair and the broken window, that threw light into the entire room.

It was then that it hit me. The room hadn't been dark forever. It hadn't been a curse. It was me. The problem was within me. I just refused to open my eyes and see that every morning light blasted into this room, throwing into it life. I realized then, that every morning that I had spent on the floor, closing my eyes to what I THOUGHT was around me, I had missed what I had hoped for. And once again, I realize that the darkness wasn't just in the room. It had seeped into the depth of my soul, leaving me bitter. I then realized why I was running away from the light. It was because I had made myself believe that I was born from the dark, that I was destined to be a part of it. How pathetic that made me feel now.

I stay still for a while. I let my body embrace the light. And as I get up to leave the room, these are the only thoughts that cross my mind..

As victory follows defeat,
And hatred love,
As smiles follow tears,
And memories, the present,
The Dark craves Light like,
A drought's thirst.

And the Light never ceases to find the Dark.

Silent Victory..

In silence I won a long fought war.
Victory throws its golden light upon me.
I walk with my head held high,
Among people who bow theirs in my presence.
Here's to silent victory.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

There's a reason. Yes there is.

I've had a lot of people ask me why I throw away most of my journals and diaries, why I've never really felt attached to things so personal and so close and how I can just throw them away with the rest of the junk I throw out every single day, sometimes even burn them so that no one gets to peep into my life and know what I'm all about on the inside. This year, I promised a friend that I wouldn't, that I'd give it to her instead, for her to keep for the sake of my memories.

Every year that I write a journal, I realize so much about life, sometimes in the most unwanted and unwished for of ways that keeping the memories so close almost hurts as much. Keeping that diary around makes me want to read it, makes me want to relive a past that has its own good and bad. Its not the bad that I regret. Its the sinking feeling of realization that hits me time and again with the same impact. Its hard to believe that some things in life never die, some feelings can never be forgotten even if you don't feel the same at that very moment. Some lessons leave a mark so deep that as time passes you treasure that lesson, that mark with your life.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A simple thought

I ride with the tides of time, not against them. If they wash me ashore, I don't wage wars with the currents!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Because I wanted to forget tonight...

I had never been drunk before. NEVER. I had never forced the bitter taste down my throat just for the heck of it. NEVER. I had never wanted to be reckless and uncontrollable. NEVER. Some thought that it was an act, others thought that I was immature. I'd rather be the latter, I'd never wanted to grow up so fast. But today, I sat quietly at the bar, drowning myself in the overpowering strength of the bitterness that rotted the taste on my tongue, burning my insides as I tried to gulp it down faster every time. I didn't like the taste though I marveled the way it played with my head. Thoughts were a blur, exactly how I wished they were all the time. The irony. Today, I wanted to sleep. Tomorrow I wanted to get up, not remembering what I did, not remembering tonight before it happened, not remembering the person I was just now. Why? Because I wanted to forget tonight.

I was alone. I stared at the cardboard box infront of me. Memories. Thats what it was full off. Memories of her. Her... He couldn't forget her. And it killed me because I could never hold her place. It killed me because he held THAT place in me. Today, she came back. And the memories he stored away in that box, it seemed, took a long deep breath, that blew my way, in strong gusts of winds, the black blinding smoke of a crowded past I could never make him forget. I played with his favorite lighter. He always kept it on the bar in a small custom made box. I made a small game of the sparks I saw, every second one bursting into a sudden tiny flame. My aim usually sucked. I could almost never catch a ball before it hit my head, or throw it to someone before it hit theirs. Today, as I threw the lighter into the box, I couldn't help but think how wrong I had been about my aim. I saw the box burn to ashes. The fire dying as soon as every page of every journal, every picture of every moment he cherished, every souvenir of a long lost love, was lost in the tides of hatred and revenge. I knew she was never going to stay. I knew she was going to kill the remnants of every little hope he had had for them. I knew and he did too, but I wasn't going to wait for anything to sink in.

I knew I had killed a part of him just there. Every little thing he had held on to, every little thing he thought he would for an eternity that would end only with him had been brutally stabbed until they bled through and in flames of hurt. I had killed a part of him right there. And as I walked out the door, I left that part of him on the floor, only to be discovered by someone who wouldn't be able to kill himself, or live with the nothingness I had created by burning away forever his only identity.

Because I wanted to forget tonight...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Her name came with a set of beliefs and misbeliefs. There were some whose hopeless faith in her was carried by winds of weakness, sometimes of over-confidence and self-reliance. They didn't believe she was there; regarded her as a fictional element of dreamers, poets and writers who found peace in her unearthly existence; found peace in a world of their own making where she was there.. everywhere, fixing their mistakes, not her own.

And there were those, whose faith in her kept dying and coming to life, time and again, just as things went right or wrong, just as life went up and down. It couldn't stay. It was worse than not being believed in at all. The blame, the curses, the harshness and indifference to her love. She cared. Always did and despite the brutality, always would. But there were some things she couldn't control-The fruits of their actions. It was hard to disobey the one above her, the one who drew her path, the path she would follow without a single question asked. The path-they didn't believe would always end in its best way. Sometimes they just gave up before she reached the end destined for them.

She was Destiny. And no matter what, she was always there with them and for them. She kept her biggest and strongest promise- to help them fulfill theirs. She broke links and connections they'd tried so hard to throw out of their lives and kept those that were destined to be entangled forever. The one above her was fair and just, he drew her path in the very same way.

I believe in you DESTINY!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Black Hijab

I had grown up away from my homeland as far as I could remember. The only memories I had of as a kid, was of this place. We had fled our homeland many years ago. I was young, a year old I suppose, maybe younger. I remember my parents telling me I had celebrated my first birthday here .

There were many others like us. A few families lived down the street, but yet no one could say that we had THAT common bond-we were so different. The women never left their homes and we never got to see their faces. Sometimes you could see their eyes when they weren't netted under their burquas. But that was rare.

Sometimes when their families would join us for dinner, the men asked their women to go upstairs. They weren't allowed to eat with the rest of us. They would shoot glances at my father for doing the same and my mother would get up from the table, hesitantly and reluctantly but not wanting to earn disapproval in this part of our social circle. But my father. He would comfortably sit down in his chair and hold my mother's hand at the table and stop her as soon as he felt her rising. He smiled at his friends and would say, " Bhai, there is nothing wrong with having a woman on your right, eating the same food at the same time. Nur will be eating with us at this table." The glances turned into 'few-second stares' at my father, mother, his hand on hers and then each other. That would be the end of the discussion. My mother sensing the awkwardness would smile at my father. She was a lucky woman, I was a lucky daughter, only because he was a different man.

After serving dinner, mother would join the women upstairs, excusing herself for some womanly talks. My mother's head was uncovered, unlike theirs ofcourse and the women smiled enviously at her freedom and luck.

Somehow, as I grew, I insisted on wearing my black hijab. Occasionally I would cover my face, letting only my eyes devour the world, and letting the strangers around feast their eyes to the beauty of mine lined darkly with black Kohl.

" Mashallah!" Many of our kind had exclaimed before. My eyes, the only things on my face I appreciated. Probably the compliments had gotten to me. But I loved them. I loved how they talked for me. Probably thats why I liked letting them speak for me.

My father didn't particularly like it. He was different. He thought I was doing it because I felt out of place among our kind. But that was NOT my reason. I wore it because I somehow felt closer to who I was. I wasn't ashamed of it. I always believed that it was a choice that I had made to be different. I loved being the one with a difference.

I didn't wear my hijab too often. It was something I wore on occasion when I felt like being the one people were intrigued with. There was one particular place in the city-the spice market-where I always covered my face. Thousands of eyes followed. Some stared until I pierced them with a sudden look of mine, right into their eyes. I'd had people look back almost a second later, their head oscillating between what was in their hand or what they were doing and my covered face. There was one particular shop my mother always took me to, where she believed the rarest of the spices were always there. The owner-Mrs. Desai- and my mother were well-acquainted, actually they were friends now. For many years now my mother had been coming to this very store, every month on the same date to buy spices. Our families often had tea together, dinner occasionally.

Today, as I stood behind mother, I noticed a young handsome figure standing beside Mrs. Desai. His back was towards us, his muscular arms bare in his vest, as he talked in a fast British accent on the phone. Mother and Mrs. Desai started with their customary ritual of gossip. Mrs. Desai patted the figure beside her and he turned around to look at her, a distracted stammer now escaping his mouth.

"Put the phone down now will you? You hardly ever visit and now when you're here you don't give me a fair share of time." Mrs. Desai complained.

"Yeah.. Uh.. Uh.. I will talk to you later. In the evening. Yes. Yes. Okay. Take Care." He said into the phone. " What do you mean I haven't given you enough time? I've been here all week and this is my first call in 6 days."

"I'm a mother. That will never be enough."

He sighed and hugged her. It was a rare, unseen, honest gesture and it made me smile. His eyes caught mine looking and he probably could tell I was smiling. He let go off his mother, who was already talking to mine in a fast, chatty voice. Mother opened the small door on the side that led to the other side of the counter and both the ladies went in through the curtained door to have tea inside the house.

" You're mom, she isn't wearing a.. wearing a.. Umm.. " He scrambled about in his head looking for the right word. His voice was a nice and deep.

"Hijab " I answered in a quiet voice, slightly intrigued about what he was going to say next.

"Oh. Yes. She isn't wearing that. Why are you?"

"Its a choice."

He looked at me with an expression I couldn't tell apart from confused and bewildered or unbelieving.

" A choice? That's a first."

" I love the air of mystery it creates around me." I laughed.

"I would know." He admitted. He was looking me right in the eye now. I stared back.

"I like being different." I said. " I think its a part of me somewhere. I don't wear it all the time. But for some reason I always wear it when I come to this market, to this store."

"Your eyes." He blinked a couple of times as he said that. "What color are they? Jade green or are they kind of grey?" He was staring intently now. " Excuse my manners. I shouldn't stare. I'm sorry, I didn't catch what you were saying."

I grinned. This was interesting. " I said I don't wear my hijab all the time. But I'm always wearing it when I'm here. "

"Any particular reason?"

"No, not really." I'd never known the reason.

"Is there any chance you might make an exception today?" He teased.

" Is there some reason I should?"

"Yes, I only tend to customers who I can actually see and talk to and whose voices aren't slightly muffled by a piece of cloth." He teased.

"Well, in that case, I'm sorry to disappoint you. My mother is the customer actually. I'm just helping and keeping her company."

"By the looks of it, she already has some right now." He motioned to the door they'd gone through. "If you're helping, you might just buy whatever it is that she needs to. She'll be back by then."

I rolled my eyes and turned around. I heard him chuckle. I walked around the first counter on my right, picked up a small basket and walked around the store collecting packets of spices that flavored our food. I placed the basket on the counter.

"How much will that be?"

It took a while for him to finally pay attention to what I was saying. He smiled. I had a feeling it wasn't for me but for himself. I watched him bill everything and place it in a brown paper bag.

" $43.50"

As he handed the change to me, I picked up my paper bag and mother walked out followed my Mrs. Desai.

"Yes. Yes. No excuses. Dinner at my place tomorrow night." Mother's invitation was more familial than anything else. " Oh, you have the stuff already. I hope Kunal kept you company." A teasing grin spread across the faces of both the old women.

"Mrs. Desai and you ammi! " I sighed. " Namaste Aunty." And we walked out the entrance of the shop, the bell on the door ringing as we opened it.

Later that evening my mother swore she saw Kunal staring.. no GAPING at me. I ignored her teasing. But inside, I felt an eagerness to see him the following night.


Dinners at our place were never a quiet event. Mom loved cooking and all day she cooked and cleaned and washed with willingness. When father got home from work, he quickly dressed for it was almost time for the guests to arrive. I had helped mother set the table right after I got back from a party with my mates at university. I didn't really feel like changing but went upstairs for I was overdressed for the occasion. The black piece of cloth was still hanging over the nail on the frame of my dressing table. I had half a smiling thought to wear it again tonight. But instead took out a light blue and white one for the night. It matched the fawn colored jeans and blue shirt that I was wearing. As I pinned the cloth across my face, covering everything below my eyes, I heard a faint knock on my door.

"Come in." I answered the knock quickly. I was in a hurry to attend on to the guests despite my lazy self. I soon realized that I wouldn't be going down for a while now.

"They told me you were in your room. I would have waited but who wants to sit and talk to oldies." His deep voice was quieter today. These are the moments I hate, when my eyes give away emotions I want to keep to myself. I stared at him. His collared shirt, sleeves rolled up, fit his broad shoulders perfectly. His hair-light brown- weren't properly combed, just brushed with his fingers I suppose. The shirt wasn't completely buttoned up and I could see a hint of his chiseled chest.

"I thought you don't wear your.. um.. hijab all the time. Why now? You're not in store anymore." He tried to make conversation again.

This time I answered. "Yes, but I like having people intrigued by me."

"I would say you like attention. Mind if I make myself at home?" He teased.

"Please do. And maybe you're right. I haven't really thought about it." I sat on my dressing table chair, and looking into the mirror I put the last pin in place.

It was quiet for a while. And I took a little more time to settle my hijab. It wasn't long. I didn't like the ones that covered half of my upper torso.

I saw his reflection staring at me in the mirror. I turned around to face him, hoping he would start some conversation but knowing it was my turn.

"So is it difficult, wearing it?" He asked.

"Not really. You have to be careful while putting the pins in place." I was weirdly relieved.

"Do you have matching ones for every dress you own. Like girls collect bags and scarfs?" He laughed.

"I have my share of the bags and scarfs.. and shoes. But these, I have four. The black one's my favorite." I said lightly. I motioned to the light green and cream colored ones folded on my table.

"Mine too." There was something about the way he looked at me then. I couldn't make out what it was because I'd never had someone look at me that way.

"Uhmm.. okay!?" I wasn't sure about what to say.

For a while, we sat quietly. I tried not to meet his gaze.

"We should join the others for dinner." I managed to say without stuttering.

I stood up and he followed. But before we reached the door, he caught hold of my elbow and with the slightest strength pushed me against the wall next to the table. My heart pounded as his eyes bore into mine.

"Now, just hold on one second." He unpinned the hijab and as the cloth fell across my face, this time revealing what I was hiding behind it, a low gasp escaped his lips. I felt his hand brush against my cheek with the slightest touch.

You're beautiful was all he managed to say. I could feel my cheeks burn and I was sure they were the color of blood by now. His hand felt cold. For a while, his eyes lingered on my lips. I was biting them nervously. A few moments later, he pinned back the piece of cloth.

" You know, I wouldn't blame you if you wore that all the time. It makes it easier to resist you." He looked away and went back to sit on the bed. " By the way, black looks better."


I've been married to Kunal for six years now. For six years, I've been wearing my hijab whenever I've wanted to. I've been walking beside a man, who is more than happy to accept how I feel about my identity, who is proud to walk aside someone who believes being different is her right. There's something else that hasn't changed though. Something that I hope never will. Something that reassures me that its not necessary for the magic to die after being together for so long. Everytime he unpins my black hijab, a low gasp escapes his lips and I can hear how much he means it when he says he thinks I'm beautiful. When he stays up long nights with me, making me coffee so I don't fall asleep, I know he knows how much my priorities and freedom mean to me. I can feel the pride in his voice when he says, She's the one, always will be.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Its better to not care!

Have you ever been in one of those moods when the only thing that can give you pleasure is someone else's hurt? Have you ever felt like being the cause of someone else's pain- Someone who you hate from the depths of a heart that you didn't know could hate so much... Have you ever felt sadistic pleasure at the thought of someone's pain-stricken face washed by fast coming tears that can't seem to stop with the most consoling words? Have you ever wished to see someone beg you to free them from hurt and guilt only you have the power to control? Have sweet memories ever been the cause for bitter revenge? Has hatred ever plagued your soul enough to make you crave the cry of a broken heart, the frustration of a confused mind being played games with, the anger of being lied to, the whimper of hurt screaming out of the chest. Have you ever felt like seeing someone wanting to say something but have him not able to because of a feeling clutching his throat like rocks forcefully shoved down? Have you ever wanted to see yourself have the upper hand over someone you let go off your pride and ego for?

Have I ever felt like that? YES!!!
Rightly said, "I'd rather have someone hate me than not care at all. Because as long as he hates me, I know I make a difference."

So, I'd rather not care at all.

Friday, July 2, 2010


When the echoes of your pain hurt as much as the wounds themselves...